Member-only story
Powerful or Forceful? Are you attracting him or pushing him away?
Let’s say you’ve been seeing someone and things are going great! He calls you, he plans dates, he sends the “good morning” texts and all of the other things that show you that he’s really into you. You’re on cloud nine until, one fateful night, you send him a text and he doesn't reply.
You’re concerned, of course, anyone would be. You think, maybe he wasn't as into you as you thought. Maybe he’s ghosting you. Maybe there’s someone else. You keep yourself up wondering what went wrong.
Morning breaks and there’s no “good morning” text. You are beside yourself now and come up with all sorts of scenarios in your head that may, or may not, be true. You go to work and spend the day glancing down at your phone. He doesn’t call.
This is the moment when you need to decide what you’re going to do. Do you text him again? Do you continue to wait for him, or do you give up completely and hop back into the dating pool?
You’re still considering your options when, finally, he calls. He acts as if nothing is wrong. He tells you that he has been very busy the past couple of days and went to bed early last night.
You could, and some women would read him the riot act. How dare he leave you hanging? But, this is exactly how you lose a guy’s interest. When you try to use force to manipulate a quality man to behave in a certain way, he will retreat.